A person doesn’t have to be a celebrity to span a cult like herd of people they inspire in some way. Visually, although though more appropriate in high school, the insecure set out to immolate the popular crowd, almost as if to be them for a glimpse of a moment.
What if this is encouraged by a man that is suggesting changes, molding and shaping his significant other as an adult to look like someone else? I, thankfully, never have been in that position, nor would I ever change my appearance because it was suggested. I don’t even let my hairdresser cut my hair more than a trim, and it is down to my waist. Perhaps, it is the female rather, who desperately obsesses over other females and wants to immolate because she truly feels she is inferior or lacks something, and or admirers others in an obsesses adolescent sense.
Although everyone should enjoy the phases and changes in life, none of the above is a healthy action. The greatest asset you will ever have, is to just be yourself, although yes, you should be improving and constantly striving for improvement along the way, for yourself not with unhealthy motivation, this will have long term damage, especially if cultural appropriation is a factor, not that anyone can’t embrace a identity they want, but the long term psychological damage and the true root of not loving yourself for who you are, as you are, will surface in other areas until you come to terms with it. When you grow to compliment each other and each others lifestyles, it is a best practice, so that you may evolve together. There is nothing more lovely than seeing a couple, both completely different, both solid in their individual personalities and with self esteem imbedded into the equation, with neither trying to be something they are not. You do not need to be the same as your significant other to be the best match for each other. The more things, and interests, you share, have in common is best guaranteed and quintessentially needed for long term relationship success.
Communities tend to have a visual effect and it is normal to see someone and think, love their outfit or hairstyle, and to want to follow trends. That is normal, it is that unique style spark in others that effects all, consider it plus plus, in a community aspect. What if it goes deeper, I would think that creates a whole of severe insecurity and doubt in every area of your life and mind. In high school, it is normal, as most teens entire community and sub personality communities that they gravitate to is solely based on this. This is when young adults are shaping their identities, as adults, it is better to establish your own, and obviously it is clearly fine to add style and trends into the mix, I wouldn’t recommend having an identity crisis as an adult, after all a crisis, any crisis is never a good thing. It is never too late to pivot to who you are. Every human being is unique and either beautiful or handsome exactly how they are and as whom they are. Embrace it, run with it
They say immolation is the most sincere form of flattery. We live in a society of idiots on tik tok, saying what and how to wear your hair and jeans. I don’t have tik tok but keep hearing it and it is idiocy and unoriginal and absurd at its best, as well as the trendy dogs people keep buying, not realizing you actually have to take care of them, and they are not stuffed animals and just for selfies. Don’t judge a book by its cover. You can’t buy confidence. Uniqueness can’t be copied. Those who shine from within, don’t need a spotlight, but often attract it anyway. People love you so much for who you are. ‘I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. You will never be enough for the wrong person, and you will never be too much for the right one ← — — — Read that again. Inspire, is actually a derivative of “in spirit” pay attention to the things that inspire you, for they are not random. Be an original, everyone else is taken.