Life if rumored to be one of design. A blueprint, that the chosen pick, script, and simulate here in this earthly dimension. It is a slate wiped clean in the mind, lost in the journey and the objective target, is to remember, to digitally mentally photographic your experiences, One, we suppose, is downloaded and reviewed upon your completion and consciousnesses return out of this dimension.
This with the added free will curve ball, alternative routes that can or cannot lead you to your chosen final destination. Ask yourself this question, What is your end game? What do you want your life to consist of, who would you want in your life, what kind of personalities, people you spend it with, and what kind of life do you want to live. You can edit your living novel now, with carefully chosen action, take note and remember karma and free will are wild cards in the deck of life.
Can you imagine your life as a video game, endless tests along the way, characters that come in and out, simulations within the matrix, a connection to higher intelligence as you obtain new levels, impromptu occurrences, that trigger your emotions and are actually not real, real in a literary sense, but just for you to perhaps dive deep in the pit of your emotions, confront them and your intentions, motivations and true thoughts, to your heart center, all of this brought to the surface to resolve within, to reach the pinnacle, the ankh within your true self, to allow yourself to transmit and convert any undesirable frequencies and emotions into becoming the highest version of yourself, opening your heart center and electromagnetic field so that it expands to anyone that might be lucky enough to be around you at that particular moment, these indescribable yet measurable transcendental moments. To enjoy this emotional peak within all to realize it was simply a illusion, the original thought, that had a domino effect, perhaps to just simply test you, overwhelm you and for you to overcome. It is essential more than any supplies to clear unwanted or lingering karmic contracts and or connections, from other lifetimes, And absolve the shadows within.
Can you imagine being in this feeling flow and being able to tap into that source feeling at will. If you had a choice to feel earthly emotions or this, clearly you would opt for the river that flows through your heart naturally. What if you can control this micro and macro dosage at will, does that sound appealing, it should, do you understand a pathway from your current emotional state to obtain that level? Discipline is often viewed as punishment, but there is a bandwidth of freedom within the expansion of discipline, I guess it is in your DNA.
Instead of reacting, think about what it is trying to teach you, and understand you can think things that are absolutely not real. This doesn’t necessarily mean that any thought isn’t a pathway to your highest and best self. Control, self control is power, stoic to understand over emotional, is quite wise a decision. There is a difference between being able to remain calm and actually unequivocally being calm because you feel completely calm.
The reason the phrase says no one is you and that is your superpower, is true. Imagine you’re are at bat in the game of life, hitting balls out of the park all day (situations, conversations, idiosyncrasies, etc.,) I would like to reiterate the unfathomable to some once again, you do know just because you think something, doesn’t mean it is true, battlefield of the mind, fact check if that thought is coming from your head or heart center, your heart central intelligence meter, should be a knowing, over some random thoughts. Your heart is never fearing you with thoughts. These downloads are foul balls, get rid of this thinking, go with your heart.
When I say often at times that I don’t care, it is not to be brash or brazen and I have learned this may come across insensitive to others so I have learned it is a best practice to rephrase instead as I don’t care to the extend you do, on the matter. I to be completely honest, actually don’t care, I don’t care, it is just not in my genetic makeup or how I function, although as I hear people chatter and gossip, comment, I have come to understand, the way I function is quite far from the norm of the average tv, social media, and consumerism consciousness.
Many people live out their lives like this, and I am neutral about the topic, but that life isn’t for me. I am not at least concerned or think more than fleeting thoughts about anyone or any situation, particularly ones, well pretty much anything. I am totally enjoying my own life, laser focused on my own targets and trajectory to my end destination and honestly, wholeheartedly, not concerned with others except to be an encourager when I am able. The world would be a much better place, if all humans could embrace this as a skill set, without any ego at play.
Do you think when you can tap into your highest level of self and your heart center you would allow anything or anyone to affect or have an effect on you, adjust your equilibrium for more than a few seconds or moments, you quickly know how to pivot, recalerbrate and assess from your highest perspective within, after all, it is a game, that we actually scripted and designed, to awaken to the fact that we have chosen, scripted and designed just to come to the come to the complete awareness of it all. We should more importantly, enjoy the beauty of being alive at this very moment and every moment, enjoy all that life entails.
Your heart has a brain, your brain, A heart, and your body, well that must be brought under your control because it is autonomous, and has a program of it’s own, so it’s good to alter your routines at times and make sure your body knows that your heart and brain are the ones’s running the show and it takes orders from you not just your routine, environment and schedule, although this is a plus plus when establishing healthy habits.
Anyways, just some thoughts, that I toss around, and why I am never bored. Being alive is truly fascinating and life is meant to be experienced, but people are liabilities, if you alter your path, get off your maps to your end destination, it could take years or lifetimes to reroute to your original directions and ultimate destination. Choose wisely, because the life and choices you choose, is a life full of choices you have to live out. You are only ever one decision away from a completely different life.
A innerstanding, a inner knowing, my walks full of thoughts